
Takaaki Shibata Mandolin Recital
Call for Scores (deadline 31 Dec 2024) is now open.
Please visit our call for scores page

upcoming event
Rosetta Notaion: Mutation
May 12 2024 @ Multipurpose Gallery, Kyoto City University of Arts (KCUA)
Please visit the event page for booking and the detail.

Rosetta Call for Scores 2023/2024

We have announced the selected works.
Please visit the Call for Scores page for details

upcoming event
Rosetta Encounter
March 25 2023 @ Rohm Theatre Kyoto North Hall

Please click here for detail

Rosetta Call for Scores 2022
(Deadline: 30 Nov 2022)
Please visit above link for the result (updated on Jan 2023)

Collaborative Concert with Hong Kong Composer’s Guild will be available online from 6 Dec 2021, 9PM (Hong Kong time).

Please click the flyer image for the detail.

Rosetta Sound Exhibition 2020 starts from 29 Mar. 2021 AM0 (JST)